"For the first time, he heard something that he knew to be music. He heard people singing. Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too.

...But perhaps, it was only an echo."

- Lois Lowry,
The Giver, Ch. 23

“What if we had ideas that could think for themselves?
What if one day our dreams no longer needed us?
When these things occur and are held to be true, the time will be upon us
The time of angels”

Doctor Who 5x04 - The Time of Angels

I'm not weird, I'm just very awkward

When you're a kid, they tell you it's all 'Grow up. Get a job. Get married. Get a house. Have a kid, and that's it.' But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better.

Midget small, ultra blonde hair, blue eyed and fidgety.
I'm not weird, I'm just very awkward. The worst part of being as awkward as i am is that i know I'm doing it. I know I'm being irrationally awkward but i can't stop, it's something i swear that's been hardwired in me since birth!

If anything i'm a reader.
Weddings, school trips, family outings, family meals, birthday's and what have you, my mum would have to search and question me before such events. Because if she didn't, then the book would be hidden inside some pocket or other and as soon as whatever it was got under way i'd be found in a corner reading. That's just who i was. I'm not weird, i'm just very very awkward, i have suffered my whole life from being misunderstood, but I would have suffered a hell of a lot more if i had been understood....

Now back to the present, i'm 16 years old and slightly grazing the tiny height of 4ft 10 (yes, midget) i'm attending collage... And well lets just say it's rare now for me not to have at least a small book with me wherever i may go.

I will eventually grow up and live a life people approve of....(maybe) =P

Stephanie x

Sunday 6 June 2010

Doctor Who: The Vampires of Venice - Thoughts (S.5 E.6)

Doctor Who: Vampires of Venice
Season Five - Episode 6

"The unexpected, unadvertised solution which kisses it all better is known as a deus ex machina - literally, a god from the machine. And a god from the machine is what the Doctor is now.

A decent detective story provides you with enough tantalising information to allow you to make a stab at a solution before the famous detective struts his stuff in the library. Doctor Who replaces this with speed, fast talking, and what appears to be that wonderful element 'makeitupasyougoalongeum'.
The Doctor himself has in recent years been built up into an amalgam of Mother Teresa, Jesus Christ... and Tinkerbell. There is nothing he doesn't know and nothing he can't do... Perhaps they should start transmitting the programme on Sundays.

After all, when you've had your moan you have to admit that it is very, very entertaining, with its heart in the right place, even if its head is often in orbit around Jupiter," he said. "I might shout at the screen again, but I will be watching on Saturday." ~ Terry Pratchett 

 I think Pratchett is spot on...but more than 'makeitupasyougoalong-ism' being a recent curse of Doctor Who - I think it's been a problem for quite some years.

He makes a very persuasive case for the Doctor 'being God'. When you think about it like that; the propensity for the Doctor to fail vanishes. There is no conflict because the Doctor can never be stumped. Conflict drives drama - ergo; drama ceases to exist.
I did laugh when the angel 'got him' in Flesh And Stone.  We know the Doctor's never going to be 'got'; there'd be no shows without him.  Atleast they killed Buffy (although it was both in terms of plot and tv series).

anyway.. *cough*

Alas, if anything, The Vampires Of Venice is cookie-cutter Doctor Who. Yes, sumptuously lovely to look at, entertaining and witty, but it's just rehearsing any number of rather tired scenarios from the previous series and not really bringing anything new to the table.

Yes, it's difficult to try and be original after 47 years and the series is bound to keep offering up traditional stories every year but this just smacked too much of repetition. 
And for once couldn't we just have a Doctor Who story where the vampires actually are the supernatural bloodsuckers of legend and myth, maybe even tying in with the Great Vampires of State Of Decay
Why do they automatically have to be space-fish aliens
Either go for the vampires or go for the marauding space-fish because in the end it'll help avoid all the contrivances chucked into the script to explain why the space-fish are pretending to be vampires and the silly inconsistencies of having creatures that react badly to sunlight romping through the episode in broad daylight only for one of them to be vaporised by a quick flash of sunlight from Amy's Boots No 7 make up mirror.
Next Week: How Do You Want Amy?
Stephanie xx

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