God speed Rory.
His comedy and loyalty made him a little favourite character in my eyes. Wish the poor darling didn't have to suffer the fate he did. Such a sad ending.
Shame. :(
Amy didn't deserve him, honestly.
His death kinna kicks the person who said "It is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all" in the teeth.
What made Rory's death more severe was not only that he took 'the bullet' to save The Doctor, it was that his very memory was erased.
He ceased to exist, in all of time, space and memory.
Horrible. XS
The scene in which The Doctor was begging Amy to hold on to the memory of Rory. That "he lives on in your memory", it made me tear up.
I'm always a sucker to a good old sad scene, especially in Doctor Who.
Stephanie xx
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