"For the first time, he heard something that he knew to be music. He heard people singing. Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too.

...But perhaps, it was only an echo."

- Lois Lowry,
The Giver, Ch. 23

“What if we had ideas that could think for themselves?
What if one day our dreams no longer needed us?
When these things occur and are held to be true, the time will be upon us
The time of angels”

Doctor Who 5x04 - The Time of Angels

I'm not weird, I'm just very awkward

When you're a kid, they tell you it's all 'Grow up. Get a job. Get married. Get a house. Have a kid, and that's it.' But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better.

Midget small, ultra blonde hair, blue eyed and fidgety.
I'm not weird, I'm just very awkward. The worst part of being as awkward as i am is that i know I'm doing it. I know I'm being irrationally awkward but i can't stop, it's something i swear that's been hardwired in me since birth!

If anything i'm a reader.
Weddings, school trips, family outings, family meals, birthday's and what have you, my mum would have to search and question me before such events. Because if she didn't, then the book would be hidden inside some pocket or other and as soon as whatever it was got under way i'd be found in a corner reading. That's just who i was. I'm not weird, i'm just very very awkward, i have suffered my whole life from being misunderstood, but I would have suffered a hell of a lot more if i had been understood....

Now back to the present, i'm 16 years old and slightly grazing the tiny height of 4ft 10 (yes, midget) i'm attending collage... And well lets just say it's rare now for me not to have at least a small book with me wherever i may go.

I will eventually grow up and live a life people approve of....(maybe) =P

Stephanie x

Sunday 20 June 2010

Babel on Life: Scary doll head and not-so-scary book collection.

Scary doll head and not-so-scary book collection in my library.

Today has been strange. I've had an odd feeling all day, like I've already lived out this day and was just repeating it.

Life is weird like that for me.

I seem to, when in a sleepy weekend daze, retrace my steps around certain people and places. Almost like I'm lost and have been swung out of orbit of my own timeline.

We all have days when we feel an urge to look over our shoulders and an itch to relive and re-see a day that we haven't thought about in years.

Well that's how my Sunday went.
For only a couple of days in a year i get into feeling this vacant.

Strange though it seems I'm quite content in revisiting some memories and some lost words and worlds that i thought lay forgotten.
It's in times like today we can remember where we all started from and what light guided us.

Stephanie x

Thursday 10 June 2010

McFly: Poor Dougie {RE: No Go Queen}

This is a repost from No Go Queen (a blog dedicated to McFly)

Frankie Sandford never argues with her McFly boyfriend Dougie Poynter about what to watch on TV, because she rules the remote. The 21-year-old singer - voted fourth sexiest woman in an FHM poll - revealed she likes to spend her nights in watching TV and snacking.
She said: "I wouldn't say Dougie and I ever argue about what to watch because we watch what I want to, and that's that." The Saturdays cosied up on a giant pink sofa in London's Covent Garden to promote T-Mobile's Night In which rewards customers by giving them 'five things for £5' at Blockbuster. Frankie has just moved back into the London home she shares with Dougie after a brief split earlier this year, but insisted they had no problem living together. She revealed: "He's more of a woman than I am. I am really messy and leave my stuff everywhere and he is always tidying up after me."

*She really wants us to hate her doesn't she? What a spoilt manipulative cow.

~ I'm so far beyond sick of her.
Not only does she not respect Dougie's privacy she exploits the poor boy for publicity. ¬_¬
I cant wait for the day that she gets knocked off her pedestal....
OK, all I'm going to say is that, ask yourself if she really did love Dougie then she would respect his privacy.

Sorry about the bashing but  what Frankie has been saying and doing through the tabloids is seriously a new level of desperate. Attention whore's born with a silver spoon in their mouth tend to make up the most ignorant people in the whole of humanity. It's just morally wrong to exploit a person in the way that she does Dougie. What makes this so much more horrible is that Frankie is dehumnising  someone she actually claims to 'love'.The girl has no shame. *sigh*
Stephanie xx

Doctor Who: Amy's Choice - Thoughts (S.5 E.7)

Doctor Who: Amy's Choice
Season Five - Episode 7
Amy's Choice is a character piece. It’s an exploration of all three current cast members with a focus on Amy Pond in particular. The episode opens “five years later” with the Doctor stumbling back into Amy and Rory’s blissful married life in a sleepy English village. Amy is now pregnant and Rory has a terrible ponytail. 
What the hell happened here then?

~ I liked this episode more than i thought i would.
It's good idea but it felt that the entire plot was limping to an end.


The character Amy has always been frankly annoyingly self obsessed to me.
I like that character of Amy, don't get me wrong.
It's not the writing that's at fault here.
I really just hate the way Karen portrays Amy.
Loud and bashful doesn't have to be annoying girls and boys! If you remember back to the character Donna you can see my point. I just find that Karen's lack of natural acting talent is sapping what life and spark the character Amy could ever of had.

So i'm afraid i am with those who are underwhelmed with Amy.


Like i was saying i really enjoyed tonight's episode, personally finding it the best so far as it was really unsettling & creepy - reminded me a bit of Hush in Buffy or the original Prisoner series. 
While i agree that the explanation was rubbish It could've been written a bit better. 
No doubting it there.
I'm afraid. I was thinking how much better the story would have been if it was a black and white 60's episode featuring Patrick Throughton with his companions Jamie and Zoe.

Enter: Toby Jones’s Dream Lord.
His oddly round yet still angular face looks like William Hague pushing himself through a rubber band and a brilliant bit of casting because we could imagine in a different universe were the Doctor could still be played by an older man, Jones would be just the man to do it.  
One of the best elements of the episode was in keeping the true nature of the Dream Lord hidden so that fans could spend much of the story assuming that he was somehow The Master, The Master or my guess, The Celestial Toymaker (it couldn’t be The Valeyard, of course, that would be silly, even though functionally they were doing much the same thing, expressing the Doctor’s id, and look at how I’m burying that in some brackets).  

Toby Jones was the pulling force of this show. His voice expressions, his demeanor was mysterious and dangerously intimidating. The lines Toby was given as the Dream Lord were pure genius! =P
and, - The comedy and scary atmosphere were wonderfully paced together.^-^

Next Week: "I sometimes wonder why I like the people of this miserable planet so much."
Stephanie xx

Sunday 6 June 2010

Doctor Who: The Vampires of Venice - Thoughts (S.5 E.6)

Doctor Who: Vampires of Venice
Season Five - Episode 6

"The unexpected, unadvertised solution which kisses it all better is known as a deus ex machina - literally, a god from the machine. And a god from the machine is what the Doctor is now.

A decent detective story provides you with enough tantalising information to allow you to make a stab at a solution before the famous detective struts his stuff in the library. Doctor Who replaces this with speed, fast talking, and what appears to be that wonderful element 'makeitupasyougoalongeum'.
The Doctor himself has in recent years been built up into an amalgam of Mother Teresa, Jesus Christ... and Tinkerbell. There is nothing he doesn't know and nothing he can't do... Perhaps they should start transmitting the programme on Sundays.

After all, when you've had your moan you have to admit that it is very, very entertaining, with its heart in the right place, even if its head is often in orbit around Jupiter," he said. "I might shout at the screen again, but I will be watching on Saturday." ~ Terry Pratchett 

 I think Pratchett is spot on...but more than 'makeitupasyougoalong-ism' being a recent curse of Doctor Who - I think it's been a problem for quite some years.

He makes a very persuasive case for the Doctor 'being God'. When you think about it like that; the propensity for the Doctor to fail vanishes. There is no conflict because the Doctor can never be stumped. Conflict drives drama - ergo; drama ceases to exist.
I did laugh when the angel 'got him' in Flesh And Stone.  We know the Doctor's never going to be 'got'; there'd be no shows without him.  Atleast they killed Buffy (although it was both in terms of plot and tv series).

anyway.. *cough*

Alas, if anything, The Vampires Of Venice is cookie-cutter Doctor Who. Yes, sumptuously lovely to look at, entertaining and witty, but it's just rehearsing any number of rather tired scenarios from the previous series and not really bringing anything new to the table.

Yes, it's difficult to try and be original after 47 years and the series is bound to keep offering up traditional stories every year but this just smacked too much of repetition. 
And for once couldn't we just have a Doctor Who story where the vampires actually are the supernatural bloodsuckers of legend and myth, maybe even tying in with the Great Vampires of State Of Decay
Why do they automatically have to be space-fish aliens
Either go for the vampires or go for the marauding space-fish because in the end it'll help avoid all the contrivances chucked into the script to explain why the space-fish are pretending to be vampires and the silly inconsistencies of having creatures that react badly to sunlight romping through the episode in broad daylight only for one of them to be vaporised by a quick flash of sunlight from Amy's Boots No 7 make up mirror.
Next Week: How Do You Want Amy?
Stephanie xx

Doctor Who: Flesh And Stone - Thoughts (S.5 E.5)

Doctor Who: Flesh And Stone
Season Five - Episode5

They need to develop Amy's character soon because so far she is as dull as Martha Jones..... thank god for River Song she's was the best thing in this Saturdays episode.

I really liked the episode but the ending...no idea what to make of it. At all. =/

- I wish Amy had a little bit more to do as she spent the whole section with her eyes closed being pretty annoying. -

The 'companion at the centre of everything' thing - please let it just be a coincidence and not the actual case. We just went through all that with Donna a mere two years ago..

The angels moving was really creepy. I didn't expect it to be at all, thought it would completely ruin the horror but it was chilling.

It's being heavily implied that River Song killed the Doctor isn't it? Hopefully just a regeneration then. Of course it isn't going to be that simple and the writers are just throwing us a huge red herring but I wouldn't mind a regeneration. I love Matt Smith but he hasn't implanted himself as the Doctor yet. I assume he will when this series is over, regardless of whether he stays or not.

Quote from: Stuart Ian Burns
 Where is this leading?  We’re still no wiser about River Song; she’s apparently not who he thinks she is, but has killed someone who we’re to assume is the Doctor but like their proposed future marriage that may be misdirection.  In trying to explain the apparent continuity error of the Doctor suddenly having his jacket back whilst questioning Amy about her memory, Wikia suggests this is some future version jumping back into his own time-stream on a detective hunt which sounds like a very Moffaty thing to do (with the possibility that some of the other inconsistencies groused about here there and everywhere aren’t errors but features).  We know that Steven sent an episode of the series to Russell for a once over – is it because the timelord travels even further back? 

Next week:  Being Timelord

Stephanie xx

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