Doctor Who: Victory of the Daleks
Season Five - Episode 3
The pacing was just a mess to be honest. For the size of what could've been a great plot was entirely cut. I didn't feel like there was any MASSIVE thing at stake ( i know the entire earth was gonna be 'blown up', duh.) but there was no intense feel around the Daleks.
When all the colourful Daleks rolled out i immediately (don't judge me) thought of the teletubbies! haha ...not my most adult moment i must say.
I'm thinking that Big, Bright, Primary colours are not and will never be threatening. The Daleks did openly and honestly look like plastic toys. (not a good thing).
I do love the development of Amy and t
- overall the episode was a 'little' messy, but i did enjoy watching it. I wish they would bring back the two episodes per plot thing again like they did in classic Doctor Who, if you know what i mean...
Quote from: Stuart Ian BurnsPerhaps I’m reaching, but what if the crack that’s either following the Doctor around or as I suspect the Doctor is following around (A month later? Really?) is a revisionist switch, a chance for Moffat to pull back on some of the more eccentric mythology from the Davies era or even eep, the nu-Who equivalent of the Faction Paradox, a way of explaining some of the inconsistencies? Three episodes in there are mysteries afoot and they’re character based, not disappearing bees and planets. My brain, so full of stuff, is now casting about and wondering if he’s even reaching as far back as The Next Doctor, when Tenth wondered why a giant Cyberman stomping London isn’t in the historical record or if Churchill’s apparent ignorance of Torchwood is also connected. Probably not. Either way, it's an indication that Moffat isn't ready to put a lid on his predecessor's work just yet, not completely ignoring continuity or totally embracing it but something else. Good here, init?
Next Week: Let the River RUN!
Stephanie xx
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