Doctor Who: The Beast Below
Season Five - Episode 2
For some reason it feels to me that new who and classic who where intermingling in this episode. Which must i say, is FANTASTIC! (pun intended)
I really don't like spoiling things for people (and this is why i don't do reviews anymore) i really want you (yes you, the person reading this) to see this episode with fresh eyes. That's what Doctor Who is about, having no idea where the Tardis will take you next.
I'm really not getting the appeal of Amy at the moment.
I still don't know anything about her, in the sense that i really don't feel close to here character and have yet to come to actually caring about her.
The Smilers where literally terrifying! (i would've freaked out to even have been near one of those masks!)
Quote from: Stuart Ian Burns [on April 11, 2010]
Then, right at the end, Moffat curiously evokes The End of the World himself. But instead of Rose being disturbed by the Doctor as she looks out into the immensity of space, it’s the Doctor ruminating on his failure to see the details which were right in front of Amy. I thought initially we were supposed to assume that he had been testing his new companion, her moral code, but instead he seems like a man who understands what he’s lost in this regeneration, that the human elements of his tenth persona which inescapably led to his doom have been divested and he knows he’s returned to having an alien perspective. When he clumsily embraces Amy, it’s as though he’s trying to literally absorb her humanity. Then its off to the TARDIS again and Moffat commits another surprise as like the early Hartnell era we effectively get the next episode teaser as part of the story, Churchill, Daleks and all (oh yays) because like children, no sooner have we read one story, we want to be enchanted by the next one straight away.
that is all ;)
Stephanie xx
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