I'm not weird, I'm just very awkward
When you're a kid, they tell you it's all 'Grow up. Get a job. Get married. Get a house. Have a kid, and that's it.' But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better.
Midget small, ultra blonde hair, blue eyed and fidgety.
I'm not weird, I'm just very awkward. The worst part of being as awkward as i am is that i know I'm doing it. I know I'm being irrationally awkward but i can't stop, it's something i swear that's been hardwired in me since birth!
If anything i'm a reader.
Weddings, school trips, family outings, family meals, birthday's and what have you, my mum would have to search and question me before such events. Because if she didn't, then the book would be hidden inside some pocket or other and as soon as whatever it was got under way i'd be found in a corner reading. That's just who i was. I'm not weird, i'm just very very awkward, i have suffered my whole life from being misunderstood, but I would have suffered a hell of a lot more if i had been understood....
Now back to the present, i'm 16 years old and slightly grazing the tiny height of 4ft 10 (yes, midget) i'm attending collage... And well lets just say it's rare now for me not to have at least a small book with me wherever i may go.
I will eventually grow up and live a life people approve of....(maybe) =P
Stephanie x
Monday, 26 April 2010
McFly: Ouch Tom! XS
[LINK] TOM: "Oh dear...twisted my ankle at football...slightly swollen. Ahhh, only a couple of hours wait to have an x-ray :( "
*It's looks really bad..
poor, poor tom XS
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
McFly: Dougie, Frankie Shopping -_-
* [LINK]Either we’re right about everything always or Frankie and Dougie could be in the mood for sending themselves crackers.Frankie and Dougie were lovers, so Elvis almost used to sing.
Then were some tears and then were some embarrassment.
And in our experience that usually proceeds to some late night drunken phone calls and some late night drunken Facebook friend deletion (“it’s for the best”) and then some very late night drunken phone calls about drunken Facebook friend deletion and then possibly a drunken shag and then another, hungover, argument about drunken Facebook friend deletion before the drinking really begins.
But possibly not for Frankie and Dougie who are either proving us absolutely right by getting back together and going out shopping together or are in that terribly polite and try-hard period where they’re “being just good friends”.
Beware both, that way lies potential drunken friend deletion when your constant FB wall-stalking unleashes a new and vicious kind of pain when they make friends with a member of the opposite sex you’ve never met.
So, what say you Frankie? Tweet yer later!Oooooooooooooooooooooh, and whatdidyabuy?
(Pic: Film Magic)
My god! Dougie BURN THEMMMM! .....and the shoes please ;)
Stephanie xx
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Doctor Who: The Beast Below - Thoughts (S.5 E.2)
Doctor Who: The Beast Below
Season Five - Episode 2
For some reason it feels to me that new who and classic who where intermingling in this episode. Which must i say, is FANTASTIC! (pun intended)
I really don't like spoiling things for people (and this is why i don't do reviews anymore) i really want you (yes you, the person reading this) to see this episode with fresh eyes. That's what Doctor Who is about, having no idea where the Tardis will take you next.
I'm really not getting the appeal of Amy at the moment.
I still don't know anything about her, in the sense that i really don't feel close to here character and have yet to come to actually caring about her.
The Smilers where literally terrifying! (i would've freaked out to even have been near one of those masks!)
Quote from: Stuart Ian Burns [on April 11, 2010]
Then, right at the end, Moffat curiously evokes The End of the World himself. But instead of Rose being disturbed by the Doctor as she looks out into the immensity of space, it’s the Doctor ruminating on his failure to see the details which were right in front of Amy. I thought initially we were supposed to assume that he had been testing his new companion, her moral code, but instead he seems like a man who understands what he’s lost in this regeneration, that the human elements of his tenth persona which inescapably led to his doom have been divested and he knows he’s returned to having an alien perspective. When he clumsily embraces Amy, it’s as though he’s trying to literally absorb her humanity. Then its off to the TARDIS again and Moffat commits another surprise as like the early Hartnell era we effectively get the next episode teaser as part of the story, Churchill, Daleks and all (oh yays) because like children, no sooner have we read one story, we want to be enchanted by the next one straight away.
that is all ;)
Stephanie xx
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour - Thoughts (S.5 E.1)
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour
Season Five - Episode 1
So this is how it begins. Matt Smith has landed. He seems to have landed on his feet and not on his back, thank god!
This episode was a 'cracking' good beginners episode. Good introduction to both a new Doctor and Companion. The CGI was iffy, but all in all i thought it was a great opener for the new season ahead.
My favorite moment from Eleventh Hour, was when The Doctor made the Atraxi view the information about Earth with scenes of the alien threats then asked them who stopped followed by old archives of his former incarnations asked them then he pops through the video hologram of David Tennant and said "I'm the Doctor, run."
And then those Atraxi ran like hell. EPIC!
Quote from: Jackie Tyler-Wilde [on 10 April 2010, 22:20:38]
It all suffered a bit from RTD style "far future not seeming all that different to our time" syndrome.
Russell had a little problem with this in his era, and it really irritated me.
But i know Steven Moffat (hopefully) will not go there.
Moffat lives for Doctor Who so I'm thinking he's checking everything twice and wont let us down.
and that is all ;)
Stephanie xx
Doctor Who: Season 5 - Thoughts, and opinions begin right here!
Hello, ladies and jellyspoons.
--I've watched DW since i was a little girl (i'm now just turned 16). When i was little (around six-ish) i started watching Doctor Who Classics on re-runs with my father. That was of course way before 2005 when NuWho came back to our tv screens.)--
I'm a neurotic Doctor Who fan like some may already know and I'll be giving my 'thoughts 'on the new season of Doctor Who, the beginning of Matt Smith's era as The Doctor.
I say 'thoughts' because i will not be doing full blown reviews unless it is needed. My life is rather hectic at the moment so my thoughts will be all that I'll have time for. Plus i don't really make a great reviewer, sorry folks. but meh what you going to do (small grin) if you want amazing full blown reviews then you know to go right here [Behind the sofa - Doctor Who REVIEWS]
that is all ;)
Stephanie xx
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Movie Drinking Game - Ginger Snaps Style (mwhahahaha)
A 'Ginger Snaps' Drinking Game. [LINK]
Drink Every Time . . .
1. A cure is mentioned
2. A dead dog is shown
3. Ginger's tail is shown
4. Ginger gets in a fight with anyone
5. Pamela tries to talk to her daughters
6. Anyone dies
7. Ginger and Brigette are made fun of
8. Anyone screams or cries
funfunfun :P
WARNING: if your underage don't play this game! -_-
Stephanie x
Monday, 5 April 2010
Saturday, 3 April 2010
RE: Obsessed yes. Unhealthy NO.
Stephanie x
Movie Review: Moon (2009)

(2009, Directed by Duncan Jones)
Nathan Parker (screenplay)
Release Date: 17 July 2009 (UK)
Genre: Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Plot summary: With only three weeks left in his three year contract, Sam Bell is getting anxious to finally return to Earth. He is the only occupant of a Moon-based manufacturing facility along with his computer and assistant, GERTY. The long period of time alone however has resulted in him talking to himself for the most part, or to his plants. Direct communication with Earth is not possible due to a long-standing communication malfunction but he does get an occasional message from his wife Tess. When he has an accident however, he wakens to find that he is not alone. He also comes to realize that his world is not what he thought it was. [Written by garykmcd for imdb]
Tagline: The last place you'd ever expect to find yourself
Awards: Won BAFTA Film Award. Another 17 wins & 15 nominations
User Reviews: Fantastic...
Intergalactical Frisbee: Little Review
Unbelievable.. the whole film from beginning to end is an absolute masterpiece! (We all want to live, no matter what the curcumstances.) =P
Some say the film starts slowly, but i found the first half hour to be an important portrayal of what it would mean to be alone in space.
Sam Rockwell did one heck of a job in this movie! He should have been nominated for an Academy Award and the movie for all the other attending awards. Pity. Too bad it's a thinking person's movie.. =P
#5 - Star
The Saturdays: Frankie says she's not dating JLS AstonThe Saturdays' Frankie Sandford says she's not dating JLS-Aston.
Don’t worry boys, Saturdays star Frankie Sandford is still young, free and single!
I got to the bottom of rumours that the sexy singer has been shacked up with JLS wee-man Aston Merrygold (pictured top right) by asking the lady herself to spell out the truth.
Not only did she say reports of her “union” with hunky Aston are a load of cobblers, she also told me of her sadness folowing her split with McFly dish Dougie Poynter (right).
Frankie told me at the Lee Jeans
launch party this week: “It’s inevitable that Aston and me do get pictured together because Rochelle is dating Marvin from JLS. “It’s already happened with all this stuff about us dating – it’s false. It’s crap. And the stuff about me and Calum Best was crap too.
“Calum literally sent me a Tweet and that’s where that story came from.
“He’s a nice guy but I’m not going there... I’m not stupid! I’m just friends with Aston – he’s a nice guy. It can be really annoying if you’re falsely linked to other people.”
Frankie was clearly in the mood to talk and she admitted that she’s yet to get over McFly boy Dougie Poynter after their split last month.
“I didn’t think anyone would care about Dougie and I splitting up,” she revealed. “I was so surprised by the reaction to it. We are staying good friends.
“I know that’s what everyone says but I don’t bulls**t. We need time apart and that’s what we’re doing now. I needed to get away from everything so that’s why I took myself off Twitter and had a holiday.
“It’s hard enough splitting up with someone but when you’re in the public eye it’s so much harder. I had no idea and I’m learning about it. If you split up with your boyfriend, you wouldn’t then see him pictured out with other girls in the paper.
“He’s going to start dating other girls, and I’m fine with it, but I don’t want to see it and learn about it in the papers. It’s going to be hard.”
Frankie, currently in the studio with the rest of the Saturdays recording new material for a repackaged summer version of their album Wordshaker, sounds desperado for a relationship of some kind.
She told me: “I haven’t been out on any dates since we split.
“But I really want to be taken out on a date! I’m not good at the whole dating scene and I just want a boyfriend. But I don’t go out on a date for the sake of it.
“First I need there to be a spark and hint that it might turn into a relationship.”
*OK fuck it!!
I wish she'd just stop fucking answering questions/talking about Dougie - and let the whole thing bloody die. It's been dragged out long enough!
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