"For the first time, he heard something that he knew to be music. He heard people singing. Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too.

...But perhaps, it was only an echo."

- Lois Lowry,
The Giver, Ch. 23

“What if we had ideas that could think for themselves?
What if one day our dreams no longer needed us?
When these things occur and are held to be true, the time will be upon us
The time of angels”

Doctor Who 5x04 - The Time of Angels

I'm not weird, I'm just very awkward

When you're a kid, they tell you it's all 'Grow up. Get a job. Get married. Get a house. Have a kid, and that's it.' But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better.

Midget small, ultra blonde hair, blue eyed and fidgety.
I'm not weird, I'm just very awkward. The worst part of being as awkward as i am is that i know I'm doing it. I know I'm being irrationally awkward but i can't stop, it's something i swear that's been hardwired in me since birth!

If anything i'm a reader.
Weddings, school trips, family outings, family meals, birthday's and what have you, my mum would have to search and question me before such events. Because if she didn't, then the book would be hidden inside some pocket or other and as soon as whatever it was got under way i'd be found in a corner reading. That's just who i was. I'm not weird, i'm just very very awkward, i have suffered my whole life from being misunderstood, but I would have suffered a hell of a lot more if i had been understood....

Now back to the present, i'm 16 years old and slightly grazing the tiny height of 4ft 10 (yes, midget) i'm attending collage... And well lets just say it's rare now for me not to have at least a small book with me wherever i may go.

I will eventually grow up and live a life people approve of....(maybe) =P

Stephanie x

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Review: Pure Dead Magic by Debi Gliori

didn't like it (my current rating)it was okliked itreally liked itit was amazing

status: Read from February 15 to 21, 2010
updates: view all 2 status updates
review: Wow, i've read some trashy books in the last few years, and this is one of the worst.

I got this book years and years ago when i was in primary school (about the age of 7) when the school book fair came passing. I liked the title back then. Thinking I'd get a story of ghosts and scary ghouls i handed over my money for it. The book was eventually forgotten the second i got it home though.. haha
Almost seven years to the day i found it amongst old childhood stuff as i cleaned out some old boxes from the loft. The book was heavily damaged but i remembered it straight away, and i also remembered that I'd yet to read it. So i sat down about three days ago to finely read this dusty battered children's novel for the first time...
The entire plot is in shambles, the characters are see-through and don't move the plot along. They just seem to be carelessly thrown about the place and into stupid idiotic situations. The writing has some similarities to other gothic fairytale-ish children's books that i grow up with ..ie: 'Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events' - the authors ability to tell a good story isn't even close to being up to par with Lemony Snicket, even though the narrative voice can be mistaken to be similar it's in no way cutting it close to being any good. I really had no idea what i was reading! The plot buggered off half way through. I'm going to be honest here, i just wanted all of the characters to die. Expect Damp, that silly little baby is just so joyfully ignorant ^-^ (ignorance is bliss ladies and gentlemen)

Didn't like it, want to bin it and will never admit to actually reading it, Never Ever!

Stephanie xx

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