I'm at this moment on page 534 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (paperback.version) by J.K.Rowling which means I'm almost about finished with it.
So far into the book I've learned and picked up on so much skill that's been pressed between the lines of the book almost it seems at times effortlessly by Rowling.
Reading between the lines to examine and grasp the meaning of what is written, it's something that one can only do if one seeks out the meanings of such things, which I've been doing with this book purely out of interest. What Ive thought will eventually roll down to 'I've read her words differently than you did', obviously each individual will of course attribute meanings and certain sentences differently to different things.
“One of the pleasures of reading J.K. Rowling is discovering the playful references to history, legend and literature that she hides in her books”.- David Colbert
^^Couldn't have said it better myself.
Opening Harry Potter is like being welcomed to a home you never knew but now have found.
It of course is probably more fun for the parents to read for there kids at bed time unlike the others.
For those adults who are true kids at heart (who probably have a fair share of sneaky Disney DVDs hanging around lol) Harry Potter would be a very fun guilty pleasure to have indeed.
Now teenagers, the awkward age group, no one knows what species they even are to begin with.
So is it almost impossible to know what they would find when reading Harry Potter???
Now that is a very difficult question to answer, for teenagers there's no two alike, trust me!!! lol.
For i am myself 15 years old stuck right in the damn middle of all the hormones and screaming act.
Let's say the more quite teens would likely sit away in a corner somewhere reading this while the quirky ones that have no shame, it seems at all, would blandly talk about the book loud and proud. Not that there's anything wrong or embarrassing about Harry Potter but it's not exactly the coolest thing to talk about even if you happen to be raving mad.
Sure my big brother Stephen who's turning 18 in October hangs around with all these 'wit you lookin at ya Freak' Kinna types who are funny yet really LOUD,...like all teenage boys obviously haha. You'd never think that Ned's (Ned's - people who don't wash there hair, run around in trackies, have very sharp tongue's and just about ready to 'kill' anyone who accidentally but apparently looked at them the wrong way)
And they, him included, just got back form seeing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince not so long ago.
Actually the first premier of H.P here in Scotland was in Glasgow.
So they traveled a couple of miles.
Maybe Harry Potter isn't so embarrassing after all???
But that's just the movies we're talking about not the books.
I'm quite sure actually that to see the film/s isn't anything to be secretive about. Quite the opposite actually, some teens where i live (popular bitches included) go with some friends to see Harry Potter. It's the books that folk are shifty about.
I only could guess that it's all to do with reading since most Ned's think people who read are freaks at my old school -sigh-.
This whole topic is a slightly awkward one at this moment in time. I'm sure in ten years though Harry Potter with be named a classic and everyone will love it openly lol...
Come on don't tell me you don't see that coming. =P
*** 18:46pm
I really don't have any time left to continue my ramblings I've got some housework to do and two jack-russell's to walk in the rain. :( -sigh-
*** 23:54pm
Looking back over this blog I've just realised that i haven't even got into the things in the book that i set out to do...hmpf
lol damn it, what I've actually subconsciously done is talk about the popularity of the book/s with teenagers.
I didn't even do that well XP.
Oh well it will have to do, i might finish this up later but for now i'm leaving it to the dogs..XP
Question is...what do you think?
Is harry potter an awkward thing for teenagers to read in case of embarrassment??
You tell me...lol